
"The artist's job is to be a witness to his time in history." - Robert Rauschenberg

Welcome to this exhibition of some of my doodles. By some definition these may be considered Art, but for me they are real life. They represent love and resistance; joy and pain; and everything imaginable. These pieces are snapshots of a journey, they are testament to the healing power of Art. Life, I believe, is a journey to self. I am unsure why I have decided to share these personal creations with random strangers, but perhaps out of my deeply held belief that life ought to be a shared experience. I have decided not to share the meanings of any of the following pieces or their motivation. However, I have changed my mind and shared the titles of the pieces. I hope you are still able to freely read into these what you may, therefore becoming a co-creator in the process. Your interpretation of these pieces is influenced by your unique perspective and is therefore your own creation. Until my life is complete, consider all the pieces works in progress and therefore incomplete. 

Disclaimer: As my Art represents real life, some of the experiences portrayed are shared experiences. On one occasion someone has felt uncomfortable about an art piece I had posted. If you see a piece that portrays your shared experience with me that you would prefer was not here, please talk to me. I do not guarantee I will take it down, but we can work together to protect the anonymity of your experiences. 

California Love

Black Magic In A Cathedral

Before The World Ends

Peanut Butter Stew In The Cold

Reminiscing About Mzansi

Accounting Under The Moon

Summer In The Hood

Escaping Despair

Corners Of An Infinite Heart

Love And War In Turbulent Seas