
"My blogging life is basically goalless." - Seth Godin

To make my Blogs easily accessible, I am making them available from the home page. (They previously resided with the rest of my writing under Creativity). The first blog is My 25 Cents. This is where I opine and reflect on a wide range of topics. From interpersonal relationships to the search for the meaning of life and everything in between, including abstract concepts like love and death. The second blog is The House Husband. This is dedicated exclusively to the adventure of managing a home. This blog is an outlet for me to share the insights I am learning, and to document them, since my long term goal is to be a house husband. The third blog, meaningful work, is an outlet to reflect on my desire to contribute towards making the world a better place, using the education, experiences, and opportunities I have been endowed with. 

Relevant Values: Creativity, Ubuntu

Relevant Pillars: Personal Development, Meaningful Communities